
Here is the course outline:
1. Introduction to the courseWhat is diplomacy? How does the study of diplomacy differ from the study of foreign policy? Can one theorize diplomacy independently of diplomatic practise? |
2. Diplomacy - A Short HistoryThe lessons will deal with basic info about early history, renaissance diplomacy, the origins of modern diplomacy, the cold war and détente. |
3. The Modern Diplomatic MissionFunction of the embassy ,consulate and permanent representation to the international organizations, changing of the role of diplomatic missions. |
4. How to become a diplomatRecruitment and training, the role and disposition of a succesful envoy, diplomatic carrier order, the role of political actors: president, prime minister, minister of foreign affairs |
5. Diplomacy and International LawVienna Convention on International Relations: functions of diplomatic mission, agrément, persona non grata, privileges and imunities of diplomats |
6. Consular AffairsConsular affairs throughout the centuries, individuals and assistance, visa regulations, consular affairs and diplomacy |
7. Guide to Diplomatic Protocol IBest practices in diplomatic relations, essential principles of international DP, ceremonies and state visits, presentation of credentials, gifts and honours, protocol and international meetings |
8. Diplomatic Protocol IIDiplomatic culture, intercultural differencies, customs formed under influence of traditional cultures, protocol and etiquette. |
9. Media and Diplomacy - Guest lectureThe genesis of the modern information age, advantages and disadvantages, wikileaks scandal, secret intelligence. |
10. Public DiplomacyHard, soft and smart power, cultural diplomacy, sports diplomacy, theory and practise. |
11. Diplomacy in the 21st CenturyNew players in diplomacy, track one and track two diplomacy, from club to network diplomacy. |
12. Syllabus Fall 2025Containing all necessary info regarding the content of lectures, assignments, grading etc |
13. Diplomatic NegotiationsFrom the theory to practise. Basic rules , different phases of negotiations. Bilateral and multilateral negotiations. Training of negotations by solving basic diplomatic problems. 3 different scenarios.. |