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2025 Spring


Ted Turnau
For information about registration please contact our admissions.

The goal of this course is to introduce social theory as the study of thinking about social life. Not only will students learn how to think like a social theorist, but they will also acquire intellectual capacity enabling them to unpack the social reality which human individuals both co-constitute and subjected to. They will also understand why ideas about how societies change and develop comprise crucial instruments for the comprehension of modern world.

Here is the course outline:

1. Session 1: Introduction -- Social Theory, or Teaching a Fish to See Water

Feb 1

Syllabus, introduction to the topic.

2. Session 2: Welcome to Modernity

Feb 8

A general introduction to the concept of modernity in social theory.

3. Session 3: Early Modern Giants 1: Durkheim and Weber

Feb 19

Durkheim & Weber - suicide, anomie; protestant ethic, iron-cage, bureaucracy

4. Session 4: Early Modern Giants 2: Marx and Simmel

Feb 26

Marx & Simmel - commodity, alienation, Marx's legacy; metropolis and mental life.

5. Session 5: Society and Capitalist Control - The Frankfurt School

Mar 5

Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Benjamin; culture industry; one-dimensional man; art in the age of mechanical reproduction; The Frankfurt School and its legacy

6. Session 6: Society and its prisons; society as a prison?

Mar 12

Foucault, discipline, punishment, surveillance, panopticon and their contemporary exampes

7. 7. Bourdieu: The Power of Distinction

Mar 19

An exploration of some of the seminal ideas of French anthropologist/sociologist Pierre Bourdieu.

8. Session 8: The Female Perspective

Apr 2

Dorothy Smith and feminist Standpoint Theory.

9. Session 9: Race and Intersectionality

Apr 9

An introduction to Critical Race Theory, "double consciousness," "white privilege," and Intersectionality.

10. Session 10: Global Perspectives on Modern Society -- Networks, Risks, Liquids

Apr 16

contemporary social theories of Beck, Castells and Bauman

11. Session 11: McDonaldization of society: irrationality of rationality

Apr 23

Modern society as McDonald restaurant; imperatives of efficiency, calculability, predictability/standardization and control; contemporary relevance of Weber.

12. Session 12: 'Bitter Apple': The dark side of the iRevolution

Apr 30

economic globalisation, socio-economic realities, neoliberalism, Harvey

13. Session 13: Social Media and Social Theory: Considering the "Influencer Economy"

May 7

14. For those who need help re: suicide...

15. Midterm 1

16. Midterm 2

17. Instructions for Student Feedback Survey

18. Final exam essay/term paper

19. Student Presentation List!

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