
This course, Marketing Research, is designed to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge needed to conduct effective marketing research in a dynamic business environment. Students will learn how to identify and define marketing problems, develop research objectives, and design appropriate research methodologies. The course emphasizes both qualitative and quantitative research techniques, providing a comprehensive understanding of how to collect, analyze, and interpret data to support informed decision-making in marketing. The role of artificial intelligence is taken into consideration throughout the whole course.
Here is the course outline:
1. Introduction to Marketing Research and Its Role in Decision-Making
Jan 31 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Overview of the marketing research process, its importance, and its application in real-world scenarios. |
2. Defining Research Problems and Setting Research Objectives
Feb 7 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Learning how to accurately identify and articulate marketing problems. Exploring techniques for setting clear and achievable research objectives that guide the research process effectively. |
3. Developing Research Briefs and Evaluating Research Proposals
Feb 14 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Understanding the components of a comprehensive research brief and how to communicate research needs to stakeholders. Examining criteria and best practices for assessing and selecting appropriate research proposals |
4. Research Design and Methodology Selection
Feb 21 8:15am .. 9:15am, 3.13
Exploring various research designs (exploratory, descriptive, causal) and methodologies. Learning how to choose the most suitable approach based on research objectives and market conditions. |
5. Qualitative Research Techniques: Methods and Applications
Feb 28 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Delving into qualitative research methods such as focus groups, in-depth interviews, and ethnography. Discussing their applicability, execution, and how they provide insights into consumer behavior and attitudes. |
6. Quantitative Research Techniques: Methods and Applications
Mar 7 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Examining quantitative research methods including surveys, experiments, and observation studies. Understanding how to collect and analyze numerical data to support marketing decisions. |
7. Sampling Methods and Data Collection Strategies
Mar 14 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Learning about different sampling techniques (probability and non-probability sampling) and determining appropriate sample sizes. Discussing effective data collection methods and managing fieldwork processes. |
8. Qualitative Research Execution and Analysis - Presentations (team work)
Mar 21 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
In-class presentations: Each micro-team will present their findings in a 10-15-minute in-class presentation. The presentation will be followed by a discussion, during which you will need to answer questions and demonstrate a deep understanding of your research. |
9. Measurement and Scaling in Marketing Research
Apr 4 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Understanding concepts of measurement validity and reliability. Exploring various scaling techniques (Likert, semantic differential, rank-order) and their use in capturing consumer perceptions and preferences. |
10. Questionnaire Design and Survey Construction
Apr 11 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Learning principles of effective questionnaire design, including question wording, sequencing, and formatting. Discussing strategies to enhance response rates and data quality in survey research. |
11. Data Analysis Techniques for Qualitative Research
Apr 18 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Exploring methods for analyzing qualitative data, such as thematic analysis and content analysis. Learning how to interpret and derive meaningful insights from non-numerical data. |
12. Data Analysis Techniques for Quantitative Research / Presenting Research Findings and Reporting
Apr 25 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Workshops on performing basic quantitative data analysis, including data cleaning, summary statistics, and creating visualizations. This session will also focus on the correct use of terminology in describing statistical methods and results. Group exercises on preparing research reports and presenting findings effectively using graphs, charts, and tables, with an emphasis on accurate and precise language. |
13. FINAL PROJECTS - Micro-Team Tasks – Part I Title: Quantitative Research Design and Reporting
May 2 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Overall semester wrap-up. Class discussion and summary of what we have learnt together. Group feedback for the final projects. |
14. FINAL PROJECTS - Micro-Team Tasks – Part II Title: Quantitative Research Design and Reporting
May 9 8:15am .. 11am, 3.13
Last class discussion and summary of what we have learnt together. Group feedback for the final projects. |