
This is an examination of the overall marketing system from the marketing decision-maker’s viewpoint. The course emphasizes product, price, promotion, and distribution as well as planning, research, and organization required to implement marketing concepts. We examine marketing of consumers and industrial products and services, profit and nonprofit marketing institutions, and public and private institutions. Also, we study the managerial, economic, social, and legal implications of marketing activities, policies, and strategies.
Here is the course outline:
1. Lesson 1
Feb 2
The core of marketing is attracting and keeping customers in order to make a profit. Let's start off by looking at the underlying reasons for why marketing exists. |
2. Lesson 2
Feb 9
A general overview of the Marketing Strategy concept. This week will also be dedicated to closely analyzing the marketing environment through tools such as PESTLE, SWOT and the BGC Matrix to further understand the forces which affect marketing. Prepare for QUIZ (5% of course grade) |
3. Lesson 3
Feb 16
Discussion of Starbucks strategic marketing which combines both traditional and digital. A strategic view of marketing. The convergence of traditional and digital: New Paradigm? Why Videos Go Viral (video) Mobile Marketing and Multi-Screen Marketing are two of the biggest opportunities marketers face today and two of the most difficult aspects of marketing to master. Today: Quiz on Assigned Readings (25 min) |
4. Lesson 4
Feb 23
Consumer behavior is a fascinating study of what people buy, why they buy it, how they use it and dispose of it. This is another crucial part to understand in order to become a better marketer. The traditional marketing approach to consumers will be covered and contrasted with the ways in which social media is changing the game and how this is affecting both the consumer and marketers. We will also look at differences (and Similarities) between Consumer and Business Marketing |
5. Lesson 5
Mar 2
Segmenting and Targeting Markets is our key topic this week since marketers need to divide the markets into specific groups that are of significant interest to them (segmentation) and that may be reached with a specific message (targeting) to achieve a higher marketing success rate. Assignments/deadlines: A1 DRAFTS to be brought to class for review |
6. Lesson 6
Mar 9
Consumer Decision Making One area where social media and digital marketing are causing profound changes is in marketing research, including demographics, targeting and market segmentation. The "new Demographics" will be covered through the TED Talk: Social Media and The End of Gender. Review: Study Workshop for the Mid-term Exam next week - weighting 20% of Grade. Reading (to be done after the exam and over spring break): Chapter 8: Products, Services and Brands Chapter 9: New Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies Chapter 10 Pricing: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value Chapter 11 Pricing Strategies: Additional Considerations Assignments/deadlines: A1: STARBUCKS ASSIGNMENT due Friday. |
7. Lesson 7
Mar 16
The 4 P’s and 4 C’s of marketing and the first P. This week we will start with and overview of the 4Ps and then begin discussing the first Marketing Mix Element, the PRODUCT. The product is the heart of an organization's marketing program, and is usually the starting point in creating a marketing mix. |
8. Mid-Term Exam
Mar 23
Mid-Term exam |
9. Lesson 9
Apr 6
This week we examine PRICING strategies, price wars, understanding value, and what Added Value means. Next we take a look at the third P-Place in the form of Distribution Group Project Assignment Introduced, First Group Meeting (in class) |
10. Lesson 10
Apr 13
P- PROMOTION and Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) concept is the 4th P we are covering in depth this semester PROMTION encompasses a myriad of communication techniques. We delve into this topic this week |
11. Lesson 11
Apr 20
One of the areas most affected by the paradigm shift to digital marketing is advertising and PR. Reasons why, current trends and future trends and their importance to marketers will be covered. Segmentation, Targeting, Differentiation, and Positioning will covered and specifically related to Assignment 2. Let's make sure our group is ready for the presentations NEXT WEEK |
12. Lesson 12
Apr 27
Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, Presentations, .... |
13. Lesson 13
May 4
Topics: Competitive Advantage, Global Marketing, Social Responsibility. Each of these topics has been addressed in many different ways throughout this semester. Today we will revise the main points of each topic and add some insight all in preparation for next week's FINAL EXAM (worth 25% of final grade) |
14. Final Exam
May 11
Final Exam. You got this! |