Here is the course outline:
1. Subcultures IntroductionIntroductions. Terminology: avant-garde, underground, alternative, NSM, counter-culture, subcultures. Theorizing sub/culture. Frankfurt and Birmingham School. Film: Hair by Milos Forman 115mins Hair is a 1979 musical war drama film adaptation of the 1968 Broadway musical Hair: An American Tribal Love-Rock Musical about a Vietnam War draftee Claude Bukowski who meets and befriends a tribe of long-haired hippies on his way to the army induction center. The hippies (George Berger, Jeannie Ryan, as LaFayette "Hud" Johnson, Woof Daschund) introduce him to their environment of marijuana, LSD, unorthodox relationships and draft evasion, and love with Sheila Franklin. Learning outcomes: Name three branches of the avant-gardes pertinent to contemporary culture, their leaders and manifestoes. Name the theorist of counter-culture and his main work. Name schools theorizing culture, their timeframe, three representatives and main ideas. What four points does Lyotard give as creating the postmodern paradigm? When was Hair filmed? How do the three best known songs Aquarius, Hare Krishna and Good Morning Sunshine represent the hippie philosophy? |
2. Counter-CultureRequired readings: Roszak, Theodore. The Making of a Counter Culture. University of California, 1969 Heath, Joseph, Potter, Andrew. The Rebell Sell. Toronto: Harper&Collins, 2005 Film: Captain Fantastic 2016 Assignment: R1 Questions for midterm test: time frame of hippie subculture, its peaks, three main personalities. Who is Theodore Roszak? Name five things he values about counter culture. Name five critical points on counter culture mentioned in The Rebel Sell. |
3. Punk and postpunk subculturesMidterm issues: Why is punk subculture of such high interest to cultural scholars? What is DYI? Name five US and five UK bands mentioned in Punk Attitude. Why is Hebdige’s semiotic approach to punk interesting?When Clark speaks about punk as social dissent, what does he mean? What does Clark mean by punk’s death? Why is punk the “last subculture”? How does Reynolds characterize postpunk? What are typical features of punk fashion? |
4. Psychedelic Research. Drugs and subculturesREQUIRED READING Keller, Robert. “Rappers, Ravers, and Rock Stars. The Deviatizing Hand of Music in Psychotropia”. in Psychotropic Drugs and Popular Culture 2008_LSD_Pharmacology The Atlantic: Pervitin Midterm issues: What does psychedelic mean? Who are the five main psychedelic researchers and what are their contributions? Who and when invented LSD? What is the specific contribution of the Czech researcher Stanislav Grof? Film showing: Katka |
5. Culture Jamming Art and PoliticsCulture Jamming Art and Politics Political Art Collectives: Ztohoven, Podebal, Guma Guar, Rafani. Culture Jamming Required reading: Klein, Naomi. “Culture Jamming.” in No Logo. London: Flamingo, 2001. Harris, Stephen: “What is Cheaper than Nothing at All?” Film: Czech Dream by Vit Klusak and Filip Remunda |
6. music & subculturesREQUIRED READING Frith, Simon. Music for Pleasure The Polity Reader in Cultural Theory. London: Polity, 1994. Carrington, Ben, and Brian Wilson (in Bennett and Kahn-Harris): “Dance Nations: Rethinking Youth Subcultural Theory,” pp. 65-78 Recommended: Rap and the Uses of Hip-hop Culture 110-134 in: Huq, Rupa. Beyond Subculture. Pop, Youth and Identity in a Postcolonial World. London: Routledge, 2006. Jurková, Zuzana. Prague Soundscapes „Electronic Dance Music“, „Music and Rebellion“ (AAU library) |
7. Midterm Perlego
Mar 19
Midterm essay 750 words present your review of a selected book on Perlego in connection with media representations Description: How to write a good review? Start with info about the writer, add context within which the book exists, say how it contributes to discussions of the topic. 3 pages research paper (750 words) on a selected book from Perlego The presentation (5 points of the 20) 3 mins 3 images pptx or pdf |
8. Midterm breakobserve subcultures |
9. Graffiti: Urban decore or political art?film showing: Exit Through the Gift Shop |
10. Autonomous culture. Squatting and AnarchismWhat are the new social movements Williams talk about in Related Fields? history of anarchism. history of squatting |
11. street artGraffiti and street art Field trip Tesnov, Trafacka REQUIRED READING: Kaláb, Jan, Barenthin Lindblad, Tobias. 10-15 in: Names. Praha, Trafačka, 2008. Pospiszyl, Tomáš, Lékó, István. 1-19 in: Street Art Praha. Praha, Arbor vitae, 2007. |
12. biosensoric soundwalking |
13. Students movement gone radical. Baader - Meinhoffin 1968 in many countries of the world students were on strike at their universities. in Germany, still facing remnants of fascism, the movement radicalized in Red Army Faction, lead by Andreas Baader and Julia Meinhoff. |
14. Extreme Sports: Parkour saves subcultures at District 13David Belle saves his sister and all the great subcultures of District 13 |
15. Final projects presentationCreative project rubric The final project can have two forms: 1. Research Paper 2. Creative Project The description below refers to the CREATIVE PROJECT Note: The Research Paper is described in a separate assignment, which is part of the same Final Project assignment group. General Specifications for the Creative Project Final Project on the topics covered in class (graffiti and street art, music, etc.). The Creative Project has two parts: 1. the Artifact itself, 2. an Exegesis (a 2-page explanation (500-750 words) of the project. The creative project may have different forms including but not necessarily limited to video, poetry, songs, zines, culture jamming, graffiti, etc. Students are expected to use an accepted academic format consistently for the written part of the project. For specific criteria, please refer to the rubric below. During the final week of the courses, each student will present their creative project or research paper. The short presentation (5 minutes) is part of the project and is evaluated with the project (see the rubric below). Final Project: Creative Final Project: Creative Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1.1. PROJECT: Credits Credits: the project contains the title, student’s name, class name, semester, professor’s name, and other important information This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1.2. PROJECT: Originality and Creativity Originality and creativity: the project has a clear message, it is well-thought-through, demonstrates creative treatment and student's passion for the theme. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1.3. PROJECT: Precision of Rendition Precision of rendition: high-quality pictures (resolution), audio, video, music with the synchronized the sequences, color-schemes, etc. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1.4. PROJECT: Relevance to Course Topics Relevance to the course topics: the project clearly demonstrates connection to the course topic This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 2.1. EXEGESIS: Content Content: the accompanying short paper explains the artistic intention of the project, describes the creative process, analyzes the difficulties you had to overcome in the process of creating your work. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 2.2. EXEGESIS: Relevance Relevance: Explain the connection to the course material and make specific references to course literature or other scholarly sources you have used. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 2.3. EXEGESIS: Language Language: Grammar and syntax, clear and varied sentence structure, use of vocabulary - avoid repetitiveness, punctuation, clarity of style, fluent writing. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome PRESENTATION Contents (good knowledge of the material, organisation of thoughts - introduction to conclusion, avoid unnecessary repetitions and reusing of ideas from the course) Visual Aids (clearly and logically organised presentation, good quality of images, visuals related to the project, balance between text and visuals) Verbal Skills (speaking skills - good pace and clear voice, fluent speech, maintaining contact with the audience, showing enthusiasm) Non Verbal Skills (body languages, keeping eye contact, poise) This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 5 pts Creative project rubric The final project can have two forms: 1. Research Paper 2. Creative Project The description below refers to the CREATIVE PROJECT Note: The Research Paper is described in a separate assignment, which is part of the same Final Project assignment group. General Specifications for the Creative Project Final Project on the topics covered in class (graffiti and street art, music, etc.). The Creative Project has two parts: 1. the Artifact itself, 2. an Exegesis (a 2-page explanation (500-750 words) of the project. The creative project may have different forms including but not necessarily limited to video, poetry, songs, zines, culture jamming, graffiti, etc. Students are expected to use an accepted academic format consistently for the written part of the project. For specific criteria, please refer to the rubric below. During the final week of the courses, each student will present their creative project or research paper. The short presentation (5 minutes) is part of the project and is evaluated with the project (see the rubric below). Final Project: Creative Final Project: Creative Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1.1. PROJECT: Credits Credits: the project contains the title, student’s name, class name, semester, professor’s name, and other important information This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1.2. PROJECT: Originality and Creativity Originality and creativity: the project has a clear message, it is well-thought-through, demonstrates creative treatment and student's passion for the theme. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1.3. PROJECT: Precision of Rendition Precision of rendition: high-quality pictures (resolution), audio, video, music with the synchronized the sequences, color-schemes, etc. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1.4. PROJECT: Relevance to Course Topics Relevance to the course topics: the project clearly demonstrates connection to the course topic This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 5 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 2.1. EXEGESIS: Content Content: the accompanying short paper explains the artistic intention of the project, describes the creative process, analyzes the difficulties you had to overcome in the process of creating your work. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 2.2. EXEGESIS: Relevance Relevance: Explain the connection to the course material and make specific references to course literature or other scholarly sources you have used. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 3 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 2.3. EXEGESIS: Language Language: Grammar and syntax, clear and varied sentence structure, use of vocabulary - avoid repetitiveness, punctuation, clarity of style, fluent writing. This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 2 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome PRESENTATION Contents (good knowledge of the material, organisation of thoughts - introduction to conclusion, avoid unnecessary repetitions and reusing of ideas from the course) Visual Aids (clearly and logically organised presentation, good quality of images, visuals related to the project, balance between text and visuals) Verbal Skills (speaking skills - good pace and clear voice, fluent speech, maintaining contact with the audience, showing enthusiasm) Non Verbal Skills (body languages, keeping eye contact, poise) This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion. 5 pts |
16. Action Art and HappeningPerformance, Action, Happening |
17. Hipsters old and new. Recycling. |
18. Hip hop guest lectureAnna Oravcova, Ph.D. |
19. Czech Music History. The Underground |
20. Meetfactory fieldtrip
MeetFactory is a non-profit international center for contemporary art founded in 2001 by the artist David Černý in a former chemical glass factory. The program started after a substantial reconstruction in 2007. open door day 17th Vladimír Skrepl | Botond Keresztesi & Stach Szumski: Openings + Open Studios + Insane Temple |