
The aim of the course is to recall the historical roots of the ambiguous term “populism”, with an emphasis on the original link between populism and democracy, which is its condition. The starting point will be the Greek form of democracy and its critique, including Plato’s diagnosis of those who wish to win the admiration and love of “the people”. Using various texts, it will thus be necessary to clarify not only the term demos (people) itself, but also who the “demagogues” actually were. Connections to discussions of contemporary populism will offer us not only this narrower question, but also a more general consideration of the importance of personal charisma in the history of populism. In this context, we will also consider the difference between populism with ideology and populism without ideology.
Populism Ancient and Modern
Course code: PHI 405/505
Term and year: Spring 2025
Day and time: Tuesday 15:30-18:15
Instructor: Jakub Jirsa
Instructor contact: jakub.jirsa@aauni.edu
Consultation hours: Tuesday 11:00-12:00 in the Faculty Lounge (or other times by email appointment)
Credits US/ECTS |
3/6 |
Level |
Master |
Length |
15 weeks |
Pre-requisite |
Introduction to Philosophy |
Contact hours |
42 hours |
Grading |
Letter grade |
1. Course Description
The aim of the course is to recall the historical roots of the ambiguous term “populism”, with an emphasis on the original link between populism and democracy, which is its condition. The starting point will be the Greek form of democracy and its critique, including Plato’s diagnosis of those who wish to win the admiration and love of “the people”. Using various texts, it will thus be necessary to clarify not only the term demos (people) itself, but also who the “demagogues” actually were. Connections to discussions of contemporary populism will offer us not only this narrower question, but also a more general consideration of the importance of personal charisma in the history of populism. In this context, we will also consider the difference between populism with ideology and populism without ideology.
2. Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
- understand the main features of contemporary populism and its historical origins together with its association with democracy;
- compare contemporary democracy with its ancient counterpart, including the critical perspectives;
- analyze and interpret various texts in political philosophy from different periods;
- explore contemporary discussions surrounding populism.
3. Reading Material
Required Materials
Ancient sources:
· Thucydides II, 35-46 (Pericles' speech over the fallen), III, 37-41; Solon W36 (Gagarin 27-28)
· Plato, Republic 555b-562a
· ps. Xenophon, Constitution of the Athenians 1.1-12, 2.17-20
· Plato, Republic 471c-497a
· Aristotle, Politics 3.11, 4.1-2 a 4.5
· Cicero, Pro Sestio 96-135; Plutarch, Lives of the Gracchus Brothers
Gagarin = Gagarin, M., & Woodruff, P. (1995). Early Greek political thought from Homer to the Sophists (Cambridge texts in the history of political thought). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Modern sources:
· Cohen, Joshua. “An Epistemic Conception of Democracy.” Ethics, vol. 97, no. 1, 1986, pp. 26–38.
· Michael Ignatieff, “The Politics of Enemies.” Journal of Democracy, Volume 33, Number 4, October 2022, pp. 5-19.
· Müller, J.‐W. (2014), “The People Must Be Extracted from Within the People”: Reflections on Populism. Constellations, 21: 483-493.
· Canovan, M. (1999). Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy. Political Studies, 47(1), 2–16.
· Müller J-W. Democracy and disrespect. Philosophy & Social Criticism. 2019;45 (9-10):1208-1221.
· Rosanvallon, P., A Reflection on Populism (available online)
Recommended Materials
- Arruzza, C., A Wolf in the City : Tyranny and the Tyrant in Plato’s Republic. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Finley, M. I. Democracy Ancient and Modern. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 2019.
- Kaltwasser, R.M., Cristóbal et al., eds. The Oxford Handbook of Populism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
- Müller, Jan-Werner. What Is Populism? Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016
- Sandel, M. J., The Tyranny of Merit : What’s Become of the Common Good? London: Allen Lane, 2020.
4. Teaching methodology
The seminar will start with introduction, which will place the material and problems under discussion into context. Next, there will be a short presentation of the materials for a given meeting (focused on problems and questions, not exactly summarizing the entire text) followed by an exposition to answer these problems. We will proceed with discussion of the materials and their implications for current ethically loaded problems. In relevant classes students will receive the feedback on their assignments as well.
5. Course Schedule
Session 1 4.2. |
Topic: Introduction to the course Description: Explanation of the course structure and assignments. Introduction to political philosophy in ancient Greece in comparison with modern political philosophy. Introduction to the concepts of populism and democracy. Reading: no readings assigned Assignments / deadlines: |
Session 2 18.2. |
Topic: The first concepts of democracy Description: After a brief introduction to Thucydides and Solon we will examine the emerging concept of democracy. We will discuss the first recorded arguments for and against democracy and we will analyse why Greeks valued democracy (some Greeks and at some time). Reading: Thucydides II, 35-46 (Pericles' speech over the fallen), III, 37-41; Solon W36 (Gagarin 27-28) Assignments / deadlines: |
Session 3 21.2. Substitution FRIDAY |
Topic: Plato’s critique of democracy Description: Plato presents one of the first complex critiques of democracy (based on political reasons as well as his moral psychology). We will examine these arguments on the background of Plato’s conception of ideal city in the Republic. Reading: Plato, Republic 555b-562a Assignments / deadlines: paper instructions |
Session 4 25.2. |
Topic: Old Oligarch’s critique of democracy Description: The so-called Old-Oligarch presents his critique of ancient democracy based on the potential for demagoguery and the influence of charismatic leaders. We will examine these arguments and frame them with more contemporary accounts of political charisma. Reading: ps. Xenophon, Constitution of the Athenians 1.1-12, 2.17-20 Assignments / deadlines: 1st short paper (written in class) |
Session 5 4.3. |
Topic: Plato on philosophy and politics Description: This class will deal with Plato’s more substantial, epistemological critique of democracy in the Republic. We will analyse his arguments in favour of expertise and knowledge over the general opinion expressed numerically in the form of a majority vote. Reading: Plato, Republic 471c-497a Assignments / deadlines: 1st short paper feedback and evaluation |
Session 6 11.3. |
Topic: Aristotle on democracy and its shortcomings Description: As usually, Aristotle presents a more nuanced view on democracy. His text is crucial for understanding of the concept of demagogues and their functioning in the city. We will examine the parallels to the contemporary general view of the populists as well. Reading: Aristotle, Politics 3.11, 4.1-2 a 4.5 Assignments / deadlines: |
Session 7 18.3. |
Topic: Populism in Rome Description: This time, attention will be paid to important shifts in the Roman period, especially at the end of the Roman Republic, when the importance of elected political actors increases. We will find out who Cicero and other writers thought were populares and optimates, and whether populares were the precursors of modern populists. Reading: Cicero, Pro Sestio 96-135; Plutarch, Lives of the Gracchus Brothers Assignments / deadlines: paper instructions |
Session 8 1.4. |
Topic: Democracy and knowledge Description: What is the relation between democracy and knowledge, we saw that Plato disliked democracy exactly because its hostility to knowledge (in his conception). Cohen advances the argument that democracy should prioritize the collective pursuit of truth and knowledge, rather than merely aggregating individual preferences. Does this help? Reading: Cohen, Joshua. “An Epistemic Conception of Democracy.” Ethics, vol. 97, no. 1, 1986, pp. 26–38. Assignments / deadlines: 2nd short paper (written in class) |
Session 9 8.4. |
Topic: Democracy, power and opposition Description: Ignatieff shows how democracy must deal with violence and what dangers are posed to it from the side of populists undermining the entire liberal and constitutional framework of democracy. Reading: Michael Ignatieff, “The Politics of Enemies.” Journal of Democracy, Volume 33, Number 4, October 2022, pp. 5-19. Assignments / deadlines: 2nd short paper feedback and evaluation |
Session 10 15.4. |
Topic: People and the true people Description: Jan-Werner Müller explores the complex nature of populism, arguing that it often involves a selective and exclusionary interpretation of "the people" by populist leaders. He emphasizes that this process of extraction can undermine democratic principles and lead to the marginalization of minority voices in society. We will discuss the concept of “people” and “demos” in modern democracies. Reading: Müller, J.‐W. (2014), “The People Must Be Extracted from Within the People”: Reflections on Populism. Constellations, 21: 483-493. Assignments / deadlines: |
Session 11 22.4. |
Topic: Populism and democracy Description: We will use Margaret Canovan’s argument as a basis for discussion of the relation between democracy and populism. Canovan argues that populism, with its emphasis on direct popular sovereignty, can challenge established institutions and norms while simultaneously serving as a reminder of the democratic principle of trusting the people. Reading: Canovan, M. (1999). Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy. Political Studies, 47(1), 2–16. Assignments / deadlines: |
Session 12 29.4. |
Topic: Moral psychology of populism Description: We will discuss Müller’s claims about structural features of populism and possible reactions to its threads. We will look for ways in which can liberal democracy answer the challenges of the populism. Reading: Müller J-W. Democracy and disrespect. Philosophy & Social Criticism. 2019;45 (9-10):1208-1221. Assignments / deadlines: final paper introduction |
Session 13 6.5. |
Topic: Pluralism, democracy and populism Description: As a counterbalance to the simplistic temptations of the populism that is currently spreading within European democracies, Pierre Rosanvallon invites us to complicate our notion of democracy and make it polyphonic, because the people do not all speak with one voice. We will discuss how to accommodate this plurality into a political system and what are the different ways to conceptualise this plurality. Reading: Rosanvallon, P., A Reflection on Populism (available online) Assignments / deadlines: final paper (written in class) |
Session 14 13.5. |
Topic: Closing session Description: The conclusion of the course will be done based on the final papers as well as summary of the discussions over the term. We will specify which questions are left open and why and we will assess what we gained by the course. Reading: Assignments / deadlines: final paper feedback and evaluation |
6. Course Requirements and Assessment (with estimated workloads)
Assignment |
Workload (hours) |
Weight in Final Grade |
Evaluated Course Specific Learning Outcomes |
Evaluated Institutional Learning Outcomes* |
Class Participation |
42 |
10% |
Active, critical and well-argued (thoughtful) participation in class. Understanding the main features of contemporary populism and its historical origins together with its association with democracy. Interpretation and critical examination of various texts in political philosophy from different periods. Understanding of contemporary discussions surrounding populism. |
1, 2, 3 |
Presentation |
10 |
10% |
Presentation of the problems and questions related to the topic discussed (based on the selected reading). Understanding the main features of contemporary populism and its historical origins together with its association with democracy. Interpretation and critical examination of various texts in political philosophy from different periods. Understanding of contemporary discussions surrounding populism. |
1, 2, 3 |
1st short paper |
25 |
20% |
Understanding the main features of contemporary populism and its historical origins together with its association with democracy. Comparison of contemporary democracy with its ancient counterpart, including the critical perspectives. |
1, 2 |
2nd short paper |
28 |
25% |
Understanding the main features of contemporary populism and its historical origins together with its association with democracy. Comparison of contemporary democracy with its ancient counterpart, including the critical perspectives. Interpretation and critical examination of various texts in political philosophy from different periods. |
1, 2 |
Final paper |
45 |
35% |
Understanding the main features of contemporary populism and its historical origins together with its association with democracy. Comparison of contemporary democracy with its ancient counterpart, including the critical perspectives. Interpretation and critical examination of various texts in political philosophy from different periods. Understanding of contemporary discussions surrounding populism. |
1, 2 |
150 |
100% |
*1 = Critical Thinking; 2 = Effective Communication; 3 = Effective and Responsible Action
7. Detailed description of the assignments
Assignment 1: Class participation
Students will participate in discussion during the seminar. The discussion presupposes familiarity with the relevant text. It is welcomed (but not necessary) to search for other relevant material on the subject and use it in the discussion.
Assessment breakdown
Assessed area |
Percentage |
Content (do your points relate to the matter in discussion, do they move the discussion forward) |
35% |
Form of argumentation (is your point supported by valid argumentation and reasons which you are able to explain) |
35% |
Reaction to questions (if asked by a lecturer or student, are you capable of (i) providing a reply based on the material read and (ii) explain your position in detailed to your colleagues) |
30% |
Assignment 2: Presentation
Each student will do two short presentations (max. 10 minutes) about the main argument of the text and (more importantly) relevant questions and problems related to the text. The first presentation will be before the midterm break, the second one after the midterm break. For the presentation please prepare slides which will (a) identify the main theses of the discussed text; (b) highlight ideas of particular interest (and explain why you think these ideas are important) and (c) provide questions for the subsequent discussion. These question might be of two sorts – question of understanding (what do you think should be explained in detail, what was hard to follow) and critical questions (on the points which you believe were weak or wrong, please explain reasons for your evaluation).
Assessment breakdown
Assessed area |
Percentage |
Content – getting the main argument right; identifying some important topics; formulating questions for the subsequent discussion |
40% |
Presentation – clarity, structure and convincing argumentation |
40% |
Reaction to questions – can you help your colleagues with their questions? Based on the text under discussion, can you react to the questions by the lecturer? |
20% |
Assignment 3: 1st short paper
At the beginning of the class students will be presented with three topics; each student will choose one topic and write a short reflection/essay. The text should be around one page long, structured and all the claims should be supported by valid argumentation based on the knowledge of the texts discussed so far. The texts must handed in 60 minutes after the start of the paper.
Assessment breakdown
Assessed area |
Percentage |
Content (does the text answer the question and/or explain the topic; does it use the texts discussed so far) |
35% |
Structure (clarity of the text, leading the reader towards the conclusion) |
30% |
Argumentation (are the arguments valid? Consideration of counter-arguments and reply to them) |
35% |
Assignment 4: 2nd short paper
At the beginning of the class students will be presented with three topics; each student will choose one topic and write a short reflection/essay. The text should be around one page long, structured and all the claims should be supported by valid argumentation based on the knowledge of the texts discussed so far. The texts must handed in 60 minutes after the start of the paper.
Assessment breakdown
Assessed area |
Percentage |
Content (does the text answer the question and/or explain the topic; does it use the texts discussed so far) |
35% |
Structure (clarity of the text, leading the reader towards the conclusion) |
30% |
Argumentation (are the arguments valid? Consideration of counter-arguments and reply to them) |
35% |
Assignment 4: final paper
At the beginning of the class students will be presented with three topics; each student will choose one topic and write a short reflection/essay. The text should be at least two pages long, structured and all the claims should be supported by valid argumentation based on the knowledge of the texts discussed so far. The texts must handed in 120 minutes after the start of the paper.
Assessment breakdown
Assessed area |
Percentage |
Content (does the text answer the question and/or explain the topic; does it use the texts discussed so far) |
35% |
Structure (clarity of the text, leading the reader towards the conclusion) |
30% |
Argumentation (are the arguments valid? Consideration of counter-arguments and reply to them) |
35% |
8. General Requirements and School Policies
General requirements
All coursework is governed by AAU’s academic rules. Students are expected to be familiar with the academic rules in the Academic Codex and Student Handbook and to maintain the highest standards of honesty and academic integrity in their work. Please see the AAU intranet for a summary of key policies regarding coursework.
Course specific requirements
There are no special requirements or deviations from AAU policies for this course.
Here is the course outline:
1. Introduction to the course
Feb 4
Explanation of the course structure and assignments. Introduction to political philosophy in ancient Greece in comparison with modern political philosophy. Introduction to the concepts of populism and democracy. |
2. The first concepts of democracy
Feb 18
After a brief introduction to Thucydides and Solon we will examine the emerging concept of democracy. We will discuss the first recorded arguments for and against democracy and we will analyse why Greeks valued democracy (some Greeks and at some time). Reading: Thucydides II, 35-46 (Pericles' speech over the fallen), III, 37-41; Solon W36 (Gagarin 27-28) |
3. Plato’s critique of democracy
Feb 21
Plato presents one of the first complex critiques of democracy (based on political reasons as well as his moral psychology). We will examine these arguments on the background of Plato’s conception of ideal city in the Republic. Reading: Plato, Republic 555b-562a |
4. Old Oligarch’s critique of democracy
Feb 25
The so-called Old-Oligarch presents his critique of ancient democracy based on the potential for demagoguery and the influence of charismatic leaders. We will examine these arguments and frame them with more contemporary accounts of political charisma. Reading: ps. Xenophon, Constitution of the Athenians 1.1-12, 2.17-20 |
5. Plato on philosophy and politics
Mar 4
This class will deal with Plato’s more substantial, epistemological critique of democracy in the Republic. We will analyse his arguments in favour of expertise and knowledge over the general opinion expressed numerically in the form of a majority vote. Reading: Plato, Republic 471c-497a |
6. Aristotle on democracy and its shortcomings
Mar 11
As usually, Aristotle presents a more nuanced view on democracy. His text is crucial for understanding of the concept of demagogues and their functioning in the city. We will examine the parallels to the contemporary general view of the populists as well. Reading: Aristotle, Politics 3.11, 4.1-2 a 4.5 |
7. Populism in Rome
Mar 18
This time, attention will be paid to important shifts in the Roman period, especially at the end of the Roman Republic, when the importance of elected political actors increases. We will find out who Cicero and other writers thought were populares and optimates, and whether populares were the precursors of modern populists. Reading: Cicero, Pro Sestio 96-135; Plutarch, Lives of the Gracchus Brothers |
8. Democracy and knowledge
Apr 1
What is the relation between democracy and knowledge, we saw that Plato disliked democracy exactly because its hostility to knowledge (in his conception). Cohen advances the argument that democracy should prioritize the collective pursuit of truth and knowledge, rather than merely aggregating individual preferences. Does this help? Reading: Cohen, Joshua. “An Epistemic Conception of Democracy.” Ethics, vol. 97, no. 1, 1986, pp. 26–38. |
9. Democracy, power and opposition
Apr 8
Ignatieff shows how democracy must deal with violence and what dangers are posed to it from the side of populists undermining the entire liberal and constitutional framework of democracy. Reading: Michael Ignatieff, “The Politics of Enemies.” Journal of Democracy, Volume 33, Number 4, October 2022, pp. 5-19. |
10. People and the true people
Apr 15
Jan-Werner Müller explores the complex nature of populism, arguing that it often involves a selective and exclusionary interpretation of "the people" by populist leaders. He emphasizes that this process of extraction can undermine democratic principles and lead to the marginalization of minority voices in society. We will discuss the concept of “people” and “demos” in modern democracies. Reading: Müller, J.‐W. (2014), “The People Must Be Extracted from Within the People”: Reflections on Populism. Constellations, 21: 483-493. |
11. Populism and democracy
Apr 22
We will use Margaret Canovan’s argument as a basis for discussion of the relation between democracy and populism. Canovan argues that populism, with its emphasis on direct popular sovereignty, can challenge established institutions and norms while simultaneously serving as a reminder of the democratic principle of trusting the people. Reading: Canovan, M. (1999). Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy. Political Studies, 47(1), 2–16. |
12. Moral psychology of populism
Apr 29
We will discuss Müller’s claims about structural features of populism and possible reactions to its threads. We will look for ways in which can liberal democracy answer the challenges of the populism. Reading: Müller J-W. Democracy and disrespect. Philosophy & Social Criticism. 2019;45 (9-10):1208-1221. |
13. Pluralism, democracy and populism
May 6
As a counterbalance to the simplistic temptations of the populism that is currently spreading within European democracies, Pierre Rosanvallon invites us to complicate our notion of democracy and make it polyphonic, because the people do not all speak with one voice. We will discuss how to accommodate this plurality into a political system and what are the different ways to conceptualise this plurality. Reading: Rosanvallon, P., A Reflection on Populism (available online) |
14. Closing session
May 13
The conclusion of the course will be done based on the final papers as well as summary of the discussions over the term. We will specify which questions are left open and why and we will assess what we gained by the course. |