Syllabus MGT368/1 S25
Here is the course outline:
1. Class 1
Feb 3 8:15am .. 11am
Students will be introduced to the course. Students will also be oriented to the course’s syllabus, which includes the course assignments, learning outcomes, and schedule. Each student presented a fellow student based on short questionnaire elicited in pairs. Reading for class 2: Presentation Zen: Chapters "Introduction" & "Preparation" Assignment due for class 2: Journal #1 - see assignment / gradebook |
2. Class 2
Feb 10 8:15am .. 11am
Script, preparation & structure of presentations, story-telling, Dan Pink: A whole new mind Reading for class 3: Presentation Zen: Chapters "Design" & "Delivery" Assignment due for class 3: Journal #2 - see assignment / gradebook |
3. Class 3
Feb 17 8:15am .. 11am
Design of presentation: Review of "Presentation Zen"'s advice on slide design. Discussing basic set-up of preparation of a presentation, i.e. in which sequence preparing the presentation. Decide at first the last slide which must have Call-To-Action (CTA). Then decide first slide. Then pillar slides of the flow, then the connecting bridge slides. In addition, examination of variances of slide design depending on target audience: "Ballroom", "Board Room", "Discussion Document". Discussion about consistency, space and visuals. Implications for presentation of factual information in graphs & tables. Headlines must be conclusions, not just findings. Homework for class 4: 1. Choose an easy topic where you don’t have to worry about your script. Make it easy for yourself (max. 2 minutes) Focus ONLY on delivery. No visuals. Overdo it. Play. Explore. Experiment. Train it at home. Get crazy in front of a mirror. 2. Put special attention on you voice. Search & watch at least 3 videos from Vinh Giang on Youtube about using our voice as our most powerful instrument. RECORD YOURSELF AND WATCH YOUR RECORDING. THEN, IMPROVE YOUR DELIVERY AND MAKE SURE YOU RECORD IT AGAIN. WATCH THE NEW RECORDING HOW THE IMPROVEMENT LOOKS. GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! |
4. Class 4
Feb 24 8:15am .. 11am
Students presented their out-of-the-box presentations |
5. Class 5
Mar 3 8:15am .. 11am
Students presented their presentations for the assignment Presentation #1 |
6. Class 6
Mar 10 8:15am .. 11am
The art of a good speech (1). Differences between speech and presentation. Students collect speech occasions. Detailed audience analysis is a must for a successful speech. Templates & instructions given. Introduction of rhetoric elements ethos, logos, pathos with usage examples. Speech analysis. Midterm Assignment: For class 7: Pick your favorite speech. Show it in class and explain why you like it. Submit your cheat sheet with your arguments |
7. Class 7
Mar 17 8:15am .. 11am
Midterm Exam Students will present their selections from assignment. Analysis & class discussion. Homework for class 8 (October 23): Review on Youtube ALL episodes of: “Boost your Online Charisma” by Florian Mueck. |
8. Class 8
Mar 31 8:15am .. 11am
Online presentations (1) Description: We will be talking about the difference between live and online presentations. What must be changed? We will also discuss do’s & don’ts of presenting online, how to avoid some pitfalls, and some tips & tricks. * Assignment: Journal #4 * Homework: Prepare a short online presentation to be held next class. Choose your own topic. Tip: Use some props. Pay attention to all the do's & don'ts you have learned in class and from Journal #4. No submission required |
9. Class 9 - ONLINE
Apr 7 8:15am .. 11am
THIS CLASS IS AN ONLINE CLASS Topic: Students’ Online presentations - GRADED Description: Students will do their online presentation. |
10. Class 10
Apr 14 8:15am .. 11am
Topic: Business Memo writing Description: Based on P&G's proven successful teaching material, introduction to professional writing: Style, structure of reports, structure of recommendations, vocabulary, writing tips. Review of real life business examples. Reading: TBD Assignments/deadlines: Revise your own business document, Journal Entry # 6 |
11. Class 11
Apr 28 8:15am .. 11am
Topic: Elevator Pitch Description: We will discuss how to prepare an elevator pitch, how to deliver, students will then deliver their pitches and we will discuss in class. Reading: TBD Assignments/deadlines: Prepare elevator pitch Journal Entry #5 |
12. Class 12
May 5 2pm .. 3:30pm
Make up class for Nov. 27. Online class. Students will train short mock interviews based on real job postings of their choice. This is also given as Journal #6. We will continue in class 13 on Dec. 4 with those students who will not make it to this class. |
13. Class 13
May 12 8:15am .. 11am
Continuation of mock interviews from Journal 6 - in class. |
14. Class 14
May 19 8:15am .. 11am
Final Exam |