Here is the course outline:
1. Introducing Social Psychology I
Jan 30
Description: Introductions, Syllabus, Calendar, Learning goals; Break Introduction to basic concepts (agency, culture, structure, institutions; psychological vs. sociological analysis); Break VIDEO clip: What is social psychology? (5 minutes:, Discuss course assignments & letter to the instructor, due next time Handouts: Syllabus; Letter to the Instructor handout CLICK on the link below this box to access the Course Syllabus All documents for the course are also located in the Resources tab |
2. Introducing Social Psychology II
Feb 6
Description: Lecture: “What is the Self?” & create a self-schema diagram Lecture: Introduction to Social Construction theory; Break More key concepts: 4 Tenets of social construction theory, Ethnocentrism & Cultural relativism; Break Finish syllabus, ask Qs & discuss technology use in this class Readings: Shulman & Hewitt, Chapter 1: pgs. 1-9 Ritzer & Ryan selection: Brief Overview, Social Psychology (All readings are also on NEO under the RESOURCES tab) Assignments/deadlines: Letter to Instructor Due before class Turn in on paper in class or submit to NEO Dropbox |
3. Theoretical Approaches
Feb 13
Description: Lecture: Basics of Social Psychology (Myers), Additional preparation: research assignment, interviews, Break; Introduction to Symbolic Interactionism & Major Tenets (Hewitt); Theoretical Approaches in PSP vs. SSP; Rouge/Red Dot Test Video Readings: Shulman & Hewitt, Chapter 1: pgs. 22-30 Myers, Chapter 1: pgs. 3-15 (stop at “I knew it…”) |
4. Theory & Research in Social Psychology
Feb 20
Description: Lecture: How is research done in Social Psychology? Experimental vs. Ethnographic research VIDEO: Lab Experiments: Critical Social Psychology (8 minutes:; Break Methods lecture: Correlation vs. Causation, Experiments, Ethics, Break VIDEO: 5 Psychology Experiments You Couldn’t Do Today (11 minutes: Readings: Myers, Chapter 1: pgs. 19.5 – 33 Kvale, Qualitative research interviewing, pgs. 1-16 Assignment: Begin reviewing for Quiz 1, next class |
5. Quiz 1 & Begin designing your research project
Feb 27
Quiz 1 in class, first part is taken on NEO, second part (essay) is taken on paper provided by Dr. H (bring a pen to class please) Bring your laptop to class, fully charged, with internet access ready After Quiz 1: Begin designing your research project at home Reading: Kvale, Qualitative research interviewing, pgs. 27-37 Assignments: QUIZ 1 (all material from classes 1-4) 3rd hour: Write first draft of your interview question set, due next week - turn your draft of the interview guide in NEO by 6 March |
6. Key Concepts in Symbolic Interactionism
Mar 6
Description: Lecture: History of Identity Development in Europe & North America; Lecture: Significant Symbols, Break Lecture: Social Objects; Activity: Cell Phone Exercise; Break Writing Workshop I & Workshop time: Peer review of interview guides Reading: Hewitt, Chap. 2, in two parts: pgs. 35-48 & 48-69 Handout: Writing Workshop I Assignments: Upload a first draft of the interview question set you will use in your project, due in NEO by 6 March, before this class ** You must also bring a PRINTED copy of your interview guide draft to class with you to use during peer review |
7. Self, the Physical Body, & Conceptual Application to Art
Mar 13
Discuss writing Informed Consent form, ask questions Lecture: Self & the physical body, Short writing exercise: Relationship to your own physical body & how it affects you as a self; then --> Activity: Class Field Trip to the Czech Museum of Music Choose a piece of art to reflect on in Conceptual Application paper (You will need your phone to take a photo of the art you choose.) Reading: Ritzer & Ryan selection: Conceptual Overview, The Self Assignments: Make revisions to Interview Guide in NEO, upload new draft to the 2nd draft Dropbox for the Interview Guide Please EMAIL your Conceptual Application to Art Paper to me by 3/16 (you can also upload it to NEO, but I print out all the art papers and grade them by hand, over the spring break.) |
8. The Self in the Social World
Mar 20
Lecture: Self-Concept, Social Self, Cooley’s Looking Glass Self, Self & Culture, Break Lecture: Perceived Self-Control, Learned Helplessness; Break Last hour: Complete learning goal evaluations together in class Reading: Myers, Chapter 2: pgs. 35-74 Handout: Learning Goal Evaluations Assignment: Draft of informed consent form due in NEO before class, please use the correct Dropbox |
9. Spring Break
Mar 27
Enjoy the time off :-) |
10. Social Beliefs & Judgments
Apr 3
Data: Feedback from learning goal evaluations Lecture: Attributing Causality, Fundamental Attribution Error; Break Lecture & Khan Academy video (5 mins.) on Kelley’s theory, Judging Others, Self-Fulfilling Beliefs; Break VIDEO: Social Thinking, Crash Course Psychology #37 (11 mins.) Class discussion: The Stanford Prison Experiment Reading: Myers, Chapter 3 (pgs. 77-124) Assignments: Begin reviewing for Quiz 2, next class Final copies due: Interview Guide & Informed Consent form Please be sure to use the correct NEO dropboxes |
11. Quiz 2 & Begin conducting interviews
Apr 10
Quiz 2 - Material from second part of class: March 6 - April 3 Both quizzes are administered in the classroom, on NEO Quizzes are open book, open notes but no other materials (only my lecture notes, assigned readings, & your notes) can be used Assignment after the quiz: Begin conducting interviews this week |
12. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life
Apr 17
Lecture: A bit more on the self as affected by culture; VIDEO: Introduction to Goffman (2 min.); Key concepts, Break Activity: Application of Goffman’s theoretical ideas in video analysis: Film clips from The Devil Wears Prada Reading: PDF, Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self, pgs. 1-16 (this reading was scanned in three small files, read all) PDF: Angel Hoekstra, Reflections on Goffman & Emotion Assignments: Continue conducting research interviews for your project Reflect on which aspects of your interviews seem most engaging so far, to help you choose interviewee quotes for the final paper |
13. Attraction & Intimacy: Liking & Loving Others
Apr 24
Description: Lecture: Friendships, Physical Attractiveness, Similarity, Video: The Science of Attraction, Break Writing Workshop II; Ask any Qs about research interviews; Break Lecture: Passionate love and married love, Class Discussion: Rewards of Relationships Reading: Myers, Chapter 10 (pgs. 427-463) Assignment: Finish conducting interviews (3 required) |
14. No class - Czech Holidays - May 1 & May 8
May 1
Easter break - May 1 - no class Czech WWII Liberation day - May 8 - no class |
15. Course wrap-up & Final exam
May 15
Description: Discuss course overall… Which components worked well, What might be changed? Break Short, informal student presentations on the research process and results; Final Exam & Closing Letter to Instructor due Closing Letter to Instructor due by end of day tomorrow, May 16 Final exam structure (MC, T/F, & Fill-in-the-blank questions) 30% of the final exam covers the material since quiz 2 70% is a cumulative review of all terms, concepts, theories |
16. Open Office Hours, for help with Research Paper editing
May 20
Open Office Hours, in our classroom, 11:15-13:00 Any student who wishes to come to class (or requests a time slot if approved for online learning) may come for help in structuring/editing the final research paper Examples of what you may want help with: how to include quotes from your interviewees, how to cite sources, create a bibliography Assignment: Submit your final Research paper in NEO by Thursday, May 22. Neo dropbox closes at 23:00 on 22 May |