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2025 Spring


Angel Hoekstra
For information about registration please contact our admissions.


Here is the course outline:

1. Introducing Social Psychology I

Jan 30

Description: Introductions, Syllabus, Calendar, Learning goals; Break Introduction to basic concepts (agency, culture, structure, institutions; psychological vs. sociological analysis); Break VIDEO clip: What is social psychology? (5 minutes:, Discuss course assignments & letter to the instructor, due next time Handouts: Syllabus; Letter to the Instructor handout CLICK on the link below this box to access the Course Syllabus All documents for the course are also located in the Resources tab

2. Introducing Social Psychology II

Feb 6

Description: Lecture: “What is the Self?” & create a self-schema diagram Lecture: Introduction to Social Construction theory; Break More key concepts: 4 Tenets of social construction theory, Ethnocentrism & Cultural relativism; Break Finish syllabus, ask Qs & discuss technology use in this class Readings: Shulman & Hewitt, Chapter 1: pgs. 1-9 Ritzer & Ryan selection: Brief Overview, Social Psychology (All readings are also on NEO under the RESOURCES tab) Assignments/deadlines: Letter to Instructor Due before class Turn in on paper in class or submit to NEO Dropbox

3. Theoretical Approaches

Feb 13

Description: Lecture: Basics of Social Psychology (Myers), Additional preparation: research assignment, interviews, Break; Introduction to Symbolic Interactionism & Major Tenets (Hewitt); Theoretical Approaches in PSP vs. SSP; Rouge/Red Dot Test Video Readings: Shulman & Hewitt, Chapter 1: pgs. 22-30 Myers, Chapter 1: pgs. 3-15 (stop at “I knew it…”)

4. Theory & Research in Social Psychology

Feb 20

Description: Lecture: How is research done in Social Psychology? Experimental vs. Ethnographic research VIDEO: Lab Experiments: Critical Social Psychology (8 minutes:; Break Methods lecture: Correlation vs. Causation, Experiments, Ethics, Break VIDEO: 5 Psychology Experiments You Couldn’t Do Today (11 minutes: Readings: Myers, Chapter 1: pgs. 19.5 – 33 Kvale, Qualitative research interviewing, pgs. 1-16 Assignment: Begin reviewing for Quiz 1, next class

5. Quiz 1 & Begin designing your research project

Feb 27

Quiz 1 in class, first part is taken on NEO, second part (essay) is taken on paper provided by Dr. H (bring a pen to class please) Bring your laptop to class, fully charged, with internet access ready After Quiz 1: Begin designing your research project at home Reading: Kvale, Qualitative research interviewing, pgs. 27-37 Assignments: QUIZ 1 (all material from classes 1-4) 3rd hour: Write first draft of your interview question set, due next week - turn your draft of the interview guide in NEO by 6 March

6. Key Concepts in Symbolic Interactionism

Mar 6

Description: Lecture: History of Identity Development in Europe & North America; Lecture: Significant Symbols, Break Lecture: Social Objects; Activity: Cell Phone Exercise; Break Writing Workshop I & Workshop time: Peer review of interview guides Reading: Hewitt, Chap. 2, in two parts: pgs. 35-48 & 48-69 Handout: Writing Workshop I Assignments: Upload a first draft of the interview question set you will use in your project, due in NEO by 6 March, before this class ** You must also bring a PRINTED copy of your interview guide draft to class with you to use during peer review

7. Self, the Physical Body, & Conceptual Application to Art

Mar 13

Discuss writing Informed Consent form, ask questions Lecture: Self & the physical body, Short writing exercise: Relationship to your own physical body & how it affects you as a self; then --> Activity: Class Field Trip to the Czech Museum of Music Choose a piece of art to reflect on in Conceptual Application paper (You will need your phone to take a photo of the art you choose.) Reading: Ritzer & Ryan selection: Conceptual Overview, The Self Assignments: Make revisions to Interview Guide in NEO, upload new draft to the 2nd draft Dropbox for the Interview Guide Please EMAIL your Conceptual Application to Art Paper to me by 3/16 (you can also upload it to NEO, but I print out all the art papers and grade them by hand, over the spring break.)

8. The Self in the Social World

Mar 20

Lecture: Self-Concept, Social Self, Cooley’s Looking Glass Self, Self & Culture, Break Lecture: Perceived Self-Control, Learned Helplessness; Break Last hour: Complete learning goal evaluations together in class Reading: Myers, Chapter 2: pgs. 35-74 Handout: Learning Goal Evaluations Assignment: Draft of informed consent form due in NEO before class, please use the correct Dropbox

9. Spring Break

Mar 27

Enjoy the time off :-)

10. Social Beliefs & Judgments

Apr 3

Data: Feedback from learning goal evaluations Lecture: Attributing Causality, Fundamental Attribution Error; Break Lecture & Khan Academy video (5 mins.) on Kelley’s theory, Judging Others, Self-Fulfilling Beliefs; Break VIDEO: Social Thinking, Crash Course Psychology #37 (11 mins.) Class discussion: The Stanford Prison Experiment Reading: Myers, Chapter 3 (pgs. 77-124) Assignments: Begin reviewing for Quiz 2, next class Final copies due: Interview Guide & Informed Consent form Please be sure to use the correct NEO dropboxes

11. Quiz 2 & Begin conducting interviews

Apr 10

Quiz 2 - Material from second part of class: March 6 - April 3 Both quizzes are administered in the classroom, on NEO Quizzes are open book, open notes but no other materials (only my lecture notes, assigned readings, & your notes) can be used Assignment after the quiz: Begin conducting interviews this week

12. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

Apr 17

Lecture: A bit more on the self as affected by culture; VIDEO: Introduction to Goffman (2 min.); Key concepts, Break Activity: Application of Goffman’s theoretical ideas in video analysis: Film clips from The Devil Wears Prada Reading: PDF, Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self, pgs. 1-16 (this reading was scanned in three small files, read all) PDF: Angel Hoekstra, Reflections on Goffman & Emotion Assignments: Continue conducting research interviews for your project Reflect on which aspects of your interviews seem most engaging so far, to help you choose interviewee quotes for the final paper

13. Attraction & Intimacy: Liking & Loving Others

Apr 24

Description: Lecture: Friendships, Physical Attractiveness, Similarity, Video: The Science of Attraction, Break Writing Workshop II; Ask any Qs about research interviews; Break Lecture: Passionate love and married love, Class Discussion: Rewards of Relationships Reading: Myers, Chapter 10 (pgs. 427-463) Assignment: Finish conducting interviews (3 required)

14. No class - Czech Holidays - May 1 & May 8

May 1

Easter break - May 1 - no class Czech WWII Liberation day - May 8 - no class

15. Course wrap-up & Final exam

May 15

Description: Discuss course overall… Which components worked well, What might be changed?  Break Short, informal student presentations on the research process and results; Final Exam & Closing Letter to Instructor due Closing Letter to Instructor due by end of day tomorrow, May 16 Final exam structure (MC, T/F, & Fill-in-the-blank questions) 30% of the final exam covers the material since quiz 2 70% is a cumulative review of all terms, concepts, theories

16. Open Office Hours, for help with Research Paper editing

May 20

Open Office Hours, in our classroom, 11:15-13:00 Any student who wishes to come to class (or requests a time slot if approved for online learning) may come for help in structuring/editing the final research paper Examples of what you may want help with: how to include quotes from your interviewees, how to cite sources, create a bibliography Assignment: Submit your final Research paper in NEO by Thursday, May 22. Neo dropbox closes at 23:00 on 22 May

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