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2025 Spring

COMPOSITION II - COM102/4 Spring 2025

Pamela Graves
For information about registration please contact our admissions.


Here is the course outline:

1. Homework from February 3

Work on a 700-word Rhetorical Analysis essay utilizing at least 1 source. Draft due for in-class peer review next class. Drafts are worth 20 points. BRING A PRINTED DRAFT. Review ENGL 101 Rhetoric & Composition (ENGL) 182-184, 188, Research Strategies Read (in Resources > Texts) Writing Unleashed: Argument (WUA) 53-66: Researching Critical Thinking (CT) 34-36: Rhetorical Analysis IN GENERAL: Get to know NEO. Get to know MS Word or a similar program. MS Word is the preferred program for this class; Google Docs has formatting issues. This is important since formatting is something I grade on. Start thinking about a topic for your argumentative research essay

2. Homework from February 10

Submit your summary of the comments you’ve RECEIVED on YOUR ESSAY by 11:59 pm, September 8, to the folder on NEO. Revise and submit your rhetorical analysis essay to NEO and in hardcopy to me next class. (I greatly prefer reading hardcopies.) Read CT 2-8 The Writing Process Review ENGL 137-142, Cause and Effect in Resources > Texts

3. Homework from February 17

Final rhetorical analysis essays have been submitted. The box is closed. Work on a draft of a 1,000-word cause-and-effect essay using at least two sources; PEER REVIEW next class. Summary of comments worth 20 points. Struggling with topics? Check out 501 Writing Prompts in Resources. Review ENGL 137-142, Cause and Effect in Resources > Texts Read CT 18-24: Logos, Ethos, Pathos Skim Purdue OWL MLA Style Guide at Take quiz 1

4. Homework from February 24

Submit your summary of the peer review comments you’ve received today by 11:59 pm, February 25, to the folder on NEO. Final Cause-and-Effect Essay due next class in hardcopy (to me) and in folder on NEO. Submit your summary of MY comments on YOUR final RA essay by 11:59 pm, February 25, to the folder on NEO. Revise your draft of a 1,000-word cause-and-effect essay using at least two sources. Final due next week by end of class to NEO and in hardcopy to me (I greatly prefer hardcopies). Review ENGL section 14.3, pgs 181-188 for MLA ONLY Read CT 13-17 The Purpose of Argument (How to Be Wrong) WUA 35-37 FIND A TOPIC FOR YOUR AR ESSAY

5. Homework from March 3

Submit your final cause-and-effect essay by 11:30 am today in the folder on NEO AND hardcopy to me in class. Work on a draft of a 1,200-word proposal essay using at least three sources; peer review next week. Draft will comprise 20% of your final essay grade Reading WUA 35-39, FIND A TOPIC FOR YOUR AR ESSAY

6. Homework from March 10

Submit your summary of the peer review comments you’ve received today by 11:59 pm, October 13, to the folder on NEO Submit your summary of my comments on your cause and effect essay to the folder on NEO by 11:59 pm, October 13. Revise your draft of a 1,200-word proposal essay using at least two sources. Final due in folder on NEO and hardcopy to me next week Review WUA 35-39, ENGL 13: 143-150 Argumentation Read CT 27-31 Toulmin Analyses FIND A TOPIC FOR YOUR AR ESSAY (we start it next week) Take quiz 2 NOTE: Mid Term Break - March 24-28th.

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