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2025 Spring


Alena Foustkova
For information about registration please contact our admissions.


Here is the course outline:

Class 1: Course introduction

Feb 5 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Lecture 1: Introduction, DADA movement Class Information, discussion about class expectations, observing together selected conceptual pieces of art. Description: Introduction to the conceptual way of thinking. Reading: ● Study lecture 1 + homework for NEO discussion 1. ● Study the links of the artists in NEO (provided by teacher). ● Read the selected excerpts from DADA, Phaidon Press Limited, 2006 (scanned to NEO Resources). Assignments/deadlines: ● Review the pdf lecture DADA – An introduction to conceptual thinking. ● Homework from lecture 1 – due in the NEO discussion 1 before week 2. ● Prepare a short PPT + oral self-presentation for class 2. Place the pdf (minimal size) to NEO drop box in week 1. ● NEO discussion 1 due in week 2.

Class 2: Lecture 2, 1950s – 1960s, Conceptual Art, Mind mapping

Feb 12 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Lecture 2, 1950s – 1960s, Conceptual Art, Introduction to Mind mapping ● Short PPT student introductions and self-presentations ● Project 1, Mind map, Part 1, 10%: Introduction. Learn how to make a basic mind map and why it could help you expand your creative thinking. ● Introduction of the first Mind map graded project, discussion, developing insights. Reading: Study lecture 2 for NEO discussion 2. Assignments/deadlines: ● Work individually on developing your mind map project, partial presentation (work-in-progress) DUE week 4. ● NEO Discussion 2 due before week 3.

Class 3: Gallery visit + Project in progress

Feb 19 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Gallery visit + Written evaluation 1 (10%), Meeting in the classroom at 11:15 pm SHARP, We will watch student introductions of a few students who missed them, later go for the field trip - Gallery – Kunsthalle Description: During the class, we will visit the selected gallery in Prague which displays conceptually oriented show of Chiharu Shiota. Task: Select individually one piece from the show and describe in writing its creative conceptual idea. Separate assignment description will be provided in class 3 before leaving for the gallery visit. Assignments/deadlines: ● Hand-out: Written Research evaluation Paper from the gallery exhibition, 10%, DUE week 6 to NEO. Apply research to your paper analysis. See the NEO resources. ● Mind map project 1 – continue the work at home, present work-in-progress in week 4, final mind map project 1 is DUE in week 5.

Class 4: Practical class – An Assemblage

Feb 26 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Practical class – An Assemblage Bring some materials to work with in class. ● An extension project from the gallery visit 1 – individual practical part in class (part of the class activity and participation grade) ● Bring your Mind map project 1 – work in progress for class feedback (final mind map due week 5) ● From the selected art piece of your gallery visit 1, think of your own way how to express the creative idea which you identified in the piece that you researched. As a creative technique, practice the “assemblage” – see lecture 1 + 2 examples. ● During the class: Individual consultations of the progress of Project 1 – Mind map. Assignments/deadlines: ● Work-in-progress of the Mind map, project 1, final execution – 10%, DUE in week 5.

Class 5: WOW Mind map introduction + Student Mind map presentations

Mar 5 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Project 1 – Mind map, final execution DUE / in-class PRESENTATIONS (10%) Bring the final mind map – visualization. Introduction: Mind map – Part 2, 10% - Create your WOW Art Mind Map as a piece of art for week 7. An explanation of how to work on an artistic expression of your mind map will be shared by the teacher. Assignments/deadlines: Create a WOW Art Mind Map – 10% (by week 7) For week 6: Develop 3 visual creative ideas / sketches to discuss and share in class how to turn your mind map into a WOW visual effect. Ideate for conceptual creative ideas based on your part 1 final mind map. Written assignment - Gallery visit evaluation will be due in week 6.

Class 6: Lecture 3 Conceptual art – Meet selected Czech artists, WOW Mind map – Part 2

Mar 12 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Lecture 3: Conceptual art – Meet selected Czech artists WOW Mind map – Part 2 (work-in-process) ● Bring your WOW Art Mind Map 3 sketches, place also the document to NEO – Share the development of your artistic mind map with the teacher and class. Discuss the progress. BRING THE MATERIALS NEEDED FOR YOUR WORK IN CLASS ON THE WOW MIND MAP - continue the work in class. Assignments/deadlines: • Written assignment 1 is due. ● NEO Discussion 3 by week 7 Reading: ● Study pdf lecture 3 for NEO discussion.

Class 7: Midterm Presentations of the WOW Mind Map

Mar 19 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Midterm presentations + Place a photo of the final WOW mind with a short written description to the drop box before due - see the Task description. Individual presentations of the Final WOW Art Mind Map, (10%) Describe the conceptual way of thinking behind the idea, defend your WOW creative visual idea of the mind map. Bring the finished WOW Mind map to class!

Week 8 - Lecture 4: Conceptual art – 1960 - 70s, Long-term Conceptual Art Project 2, 40%

Apr 2 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Lecture 4: Conceptual art – 1960 - 70s Examples of artists focusing on conceptualization of visual ideas. ● Introduction of the Long-term Conceptual Art Project 2, 40%, final execution DUE week 13 Work-in-progress will be presented by partial presentations over the next weeks. Description: Create a socially oriented participatory conceptual art project. The final output will be finished art installation with a participatory aspect. Introduction of the project, discussion, developing insights. Development of an in-depth systematic process of thinking and an original conceptual application of your ideas. Assignments/deadlines: ● Project 2, Phase 1 (10%) – develop an initial mind map (to practice divergent thinking) of the various possible “branches”/directions – by week 9. Bring your mind map development to class 9 + place a document to NEO. ● NEO discussion 4 Reading: ● Study pdf lecture 4 for NEO discussion. See the prescribed reading before week 9 in NEO.

Week 9 - Lecture 5: Selection of the Post-Conceptual Artists (Beuys), Long-term Art Project 2

Apr 9 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Lecture 5: Selection of the Post-Conceptual Artists (Beuys) Long-term Art Project 2 – continued Project 2, Phase 1 is DUE: Bring your Phase 1 (mind map) project development to class for individual consultations, discussion, and feedback (10%). Assignments/deadlines: ● Phase 2 (10%) - Apply independently feedback comments – develop first 3 visual creative executions based on the mind map evolution + place the document to NEO – by week 10. ● NEO Discussion 4 is due. ● NEO Discussion 5 due by week 10.

Week 10 - Long-term Project 2, Phase 2 + Lecture: Selected women artists

Apr 16 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: ● Long-term Project 2, Phase 2 is DUE – 3 Creative Visual Execution ideas to present in class (10%) Individual in-class consultations with a class discussion and feedback. You will present your creative execution progress for the conceptual solutions (3 possible visual and conceptual directions to be presented and explained). + Written assignment 2 Hand-out, (10%) – Critical paper research and evaluation. Assignments/deadlines: ● Written assignment 2 (10%), DUE by week 13 to NEO Drop box. Apply to the evaluation chapter from NEO Resources: Comer, J., Jones, P., Morgan, D. and Morganová, P., 2012. Czech Art at the Beginning of the 21st century. [Praha]: Arbor vitae. ● Continue developing your Long-term Project 2, Phase 3, work on 1 selected idea, DUE week 12 – your progress is to be presented in class of week 11. ● Discussion 5 is due

Week 11: Gallery visit 2

Apr 23 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Class gallery visit of choice Assignments/deadlines: Introduce your favorite artist - due week 12, See the description in week 11 - short in-class PPT presentation. Written assignment 2, 10% - DUE week 13 ● Phase 3, 10%: Finalize the selected strongest creative idea for class 13, work in progress due to submit + discuss in class 12 - place the document to NEO. ● NEO discussion 6 due

Make-up class in place of week 14 - Friday, April 25, 11:15 am

Apr 25 11:15am .. 2pm

Make-up class to replace the last class of week 14 due to teacher's absence. Option 1: Students work in class on their final long-term project Option 2: Class visits an artist studio - Museum Kampa supervised studio of the Janousek sculptors (or other)

Week 12: Project 2, Phase 3, 10% - Work in-progress, individual consultations + Artist Statement

Apr 30 11:15am .. 2pm

Topic: Long-term Project 2, Phase 3 is DUE (10%) Present the selected creative idea, bring the almost finished project - Progress of your art project will be graded, finalizing the details. Assignments/deadlines: ● Written assignment 2 will be DUE week 13. ● Develop your final Creative Visual Execution for class 13 (10%) + place the document to NEO. The full long-term project is graded by 40% in total + the Artist statement due w13. ● Discussion 6 is due

Week 13: Final presentation of the Long-term Art Project + Possible class exhibition

May 7 11:16am .. 2:01pm

There will be a gap of two weeks of no classes. Use this time to work on your selected project as the final presentations are due already in this week 13. Topic: Phase 4 - Final presentation of the Long-term Art Project (10%) is due – Defend your art piece in front of the class and the teacher. Final visual art piece / conceptual installation / to be done in class. An interactive and participative art. (The 4 Phases will be graded by a partial grade of 10% – 10% - 10% - 10%) Assignments/deadlines: ● The Artist statement is due

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