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2025 Spring


Zuzana Fellegi
For information about registration please contact our admissions.


Here is the course outline:

Course Material

Syllabus and Presentation Guidelines

1. History of international law.

Feb 5

Description: Introduction to the course; explanation and division of research projects; introduction to the history of international law. Reading: Kacorowska-Ireland_Ch.1. Assignments: Quiz 1, Division of research and presentation topics.

2. Legal theories of international law

Feb 12

Description: Introduction to main legal theoretical approaches to international law including positivism, naturalism, process school, and critical legal studies. Reading: Cali_Ch. 4. Assignments: Quiz 2, Revision of the research proposals.

3. IR theories of international law.

Feb 19

Description: Introduction to main IR theoretical approaches to international law including realism, liberalism, institutionalism, constructivism, feminism, Marxism and critical theory. Reading: Cali_Ch. 2., Student Presentations.

4. International treaties as source of international law.

Feb 26

Description: The making of treaties; concepts of universality and reservations; application, amendment and termination of treaties; and state compliance. Reading: Cali_Ch.3. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 4, Student presentations.

5. International customs and other sources of international law.

Mar 5

Description: Material sources of int. customary law and relation between treaties and customary law; state motivation and compliance with the customs; other sources including general principles of int. law, judicial decisions, academic writings. Reading: Kacorowska-Ireland_Ch.2. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 5, Student presentations.

6. International personality - States, int. organizations and individuals and international law.

Mar 12

Description: States and international organizations as the main actors influencing international law; their responsibilities and influence. Reading: Kacorowska-Ireland_Ch.5. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 6, Student presentations.

7. Midterm Exam

Mar 19

Description: NEO online test. Reading: Readings from Week 1 to 7. Assignments/deadlines: Review all material from Week 1 to 7.

Midterm Break

Mar 26

Enjoy your free time :)

8. International courts and tribunals.

Apr 2

Description: Main int. courts and tribunals, their activities and influence. Reading: Cali_Ch.8. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 7, Student presentations.

9. Self-determination and recognition of states, and use of force.

Apr 9

Description: Legal regulation of statehood and its recognition; right to self-determination; right to self-defense; humanitarian intervention and collective UN security. Reading: Cali_Ch.10. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 8, Student presentations.

10. International humanitarian law.

Apr 16

Description: The nature and purpose of int. humanitarian law; state and non-state actors and their compliance with humanitarian law. Reading: Cali_Ch.11. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 9, Student presentations.

11. International criminal law.

Apr 23

Description: The core int. crimes, their investigation and enforcement of int. criminal law; relation between national and international courts and their jurisdiction – concepts of primacy and complementarity. Reading: Cali_Ch.12. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 10, Student presentations.

12. International human rights.

Apr 30

Description: Main human rights organizations, their activities and impact. Reading: Kacorowska-Ireland_Ch 12 and 564-574. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 11, Student presentations.

13. Global social justice and international law.

May 7

Description: Impact of int. law in advancement of social justice; applicable standards of social justice; non-compliance and further development in the field. Reading: Cali_Ch.16. Assignments/deadlines: Quiz 12, Student presentations.

14. Final Exam

May 14

Description: NEO online test. Reading: All readings. Assignments/deadlines: Review material from all semester.

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